

Dani Putney is a queer, non-binary, mixed-race Filipinx, & neurodivergent writer originally from Sacramento, California. Their debut full-length collection, Salamat sa Intersectionality (Okay Donkey Press, 2021), was a finalist for the 2022 Lambda Literary Award in Transgender Poetry. Mix-Mix, their second full-length poetry collection, is forthcoming from Baobab Press. They’re also the author of the poetry chapbook Dela Torre (Sundress Publications, 2022) & the creative nonfiction chapbook Swallow Whole (Bullshit Press, 2024). Their poetry appears in outlets such as Bennington Review, Cream City Review, Grist, Hayden’s Ferry Review, & Puerto del Sol, among others, while their personal essays can be found in journals such as Crab Creek Review, Glassworks Magazine, & Quarterly West, among others. They received their PhD in English from Oklahoma State University and their MFA in Creative Writing from Mississippi University for Women. They live in Reno, Nevada.

“Nevada Desert” by michael-day is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Buy my debut full-length poetry collection, Salamat sa Intersectionality, released by Okay Donkey Press on May 18, 2021!